Save the date:  AGM September 22, 2015, (11:30am – 1:00pm) additional details to follow. 

Dear CIPS Member,

Here’s your chance to join the CIPS Saskatchewan Board. As a member in good standing your are eligible to sit on the Board of Directors. CIPS is well known and recognized as a leader in our community, help us continue to make a difference.

Below are list of positions to be filled.

You may submit the attached nomination form to

Should you have any questions about the positions below, please contact or 306-352-1392



Saskatoon AGM registration

Venue:  SaskTel, 1st Ave. 5C

Regina AGM registration

Venue: SaskTel, 2121 Saskatchewan Dr, Auditorium 2G


Nomination deadline September 17th, 2015.

Thanks for your interest and if you aren’t able to join, perhaps you want to nominate a fellow CIPS member.

CIPS Saskatchewan board positions to be filled:



Time Commitment Required



*Chair, committees that require a chair

Time Commitment Required


There are three (3) standing committees which are appointed by the CIPS SK Executive to serve as the Membership, Professional Conduct and Discipline Committees.  At least one (1) member of the Board shall be appointed by the President to each standing committee to act as its chair.

Three standing Committees

Membership Committee

This committee is mandated by the CIPS SK bylaws and is responsible to ensure that all certified members are in good standing.  The chairperson of this committee is the Registrar.

Professional Conduct Committee

Responsible for reviewing and investigating any complaints brought forward against a CIPS Member.

Discipline Committee

Responsible for receiving, reviewing and decisions on complaints against CIPS Saskatchewan members and all other matters regarding discipline. This committee is mandated by ‘The Canadian Information Processing Society of Saskatchewan Act’.

Other committees

Business Development Committee

Maintains responsibility for oversight and guidance of CIPS Saskatchewan business initiatives. Focused on strategic marketing, stakeholder communications and overall value for our members.

Sponsorship Committee*

The sponsorship committee identifies and secures sponsors.  Funding raised supports the educational and informational monthly presentations.

Professionalism Committee*

Responsible to promote professionalism to the IT community within the membership and to non members.

Programs Committee

The program committee is responsible for program delivery for the both Regina and Saskatoon luncheon presentations. The committee researches and identifies prospective speakers and topics.

For any questions or comments please contact Maria Galati @ or 306-352-1392


Preview attachment Nomination Form 2015-2016.pdf

Nomination Form 2015-2016.pdf


Preview attachment Nomination Form 2015-2016.doc


Nomination Form 2015-2016.doc



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